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The complete B2B platform for schools and study travel agencies whose focus is international students. You can connect with industry colleagues, book conferences and get all the latest industry news in StudyTravel Magazine.
StudyTravel has over 30 years' experience in connecting agents and educators.
StudyTravel has over 30 years' experience in connecting agents and educators.
StudyTravel Magazine - Read our latest issue. The only publication written especially for study travel agents.
Read our latest issue. The only publication written especially for study travel agents.
StudyTravel Network - Join our extensive network of study travel professionals.
Join our extensive network of study travel professionals.
StudyTravel Alphe Conferences - 2-day face-to-face conferences in 11 global destinations.
2-day face-to-face conferences in 11 global destinations.
StudyTravel Alphe Online - Stay in touch in an accessible, online format to suit your circumstances.
Stay in touch in an accessible, online format to suit your circumstances.
StudyTravel Alphitos - Half-day, boutique online events to keep you connected.
Half-day, boutique online events to keep you connected.
StudyTravel Star Awards - Celebrating outstanding service in the study travel industry.
Celebrating outstanding service in the study travel industry.
StudyTravel Secondary School Awards - Peer-voted awards for the secondary sector.
Peer-voted awards for the secondary sector.
StudyTravel Meeting Manager - Manage your online and offline conference meetings with ease.
Manage your online and offline conference meetings with ease.
I think the platform is the best I've worked with so far. Very efficient!
Remco Weeda, Scarborough College